Monday, September 19, 2011

Climb a corporate tree not a ladder

Wanting to climb the corporate ladder is a very worthy goal. But perhaps developing your career ‘climbing a tree’ rather than a ‘ladder’ might serve you better? Here’s why. A tree;

HAS STRONG ROOTS: Think about what keeps you grounded in your career. Qualifications, experience, awards are important but what is critical and move you forward are having a ‘can do and will do’ attitude, being solution oriented, being prepared to stretch outside of your comfort zone and taking personality responsibility for how your career develops.

CAN BE PRUNED: You can do this by shedding habits, attitudes, and toxic associations that pull you in the wrong direction. Take time regularly to reflect on what is unhealthy to your career. Pruning isn’t just about removing dead wood but also preventing overcrowding; removing distractions so that you focus on what matters. Also know your strengths and figure out ways to develop them further.

HAS BRANCHES: These give you options unlike a ladder which offers only one direction. A successful career isn’t necessary one that ends you at the top. Rather one that makes you better as a person and helps you make a significant contribution. So don’t waste time sitting still waiting to climb the ladder. Don’t just look up. Branch out by taking on big assignments, interesting projects that create more value and flexibility for yourself.

IS A LIVING THING: This means you watch out for any stagnation or any risks that might stall your career. You identify actions and decisions that will increase opportunities, raise your chances of bearing fruit which may manifest in the form of promotions, increased profile or recognition or the gaining of well sought after skills.

Now take action: Where ‘dead’ things do you need to prune from your career?

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