Monday, July 9, 2012

Heed the red, amber , green lights

The traffic light symbol is increasingly been used outside of the field of road traffic, for example to assess status of projects. This symbol can also be a useful guide for managing your career as follows;

RED: This means red-flag; warning signs that could have negative consequences if ignored. Red-flags include putting your career advancement in someone else’s hands, not investing in yourself, fighting with your boss, confusing your job with your career, not updating your skills etc or even ‘thrashing’ your employer to others. Red can also mean ‘stop’. Some ‘stops’ to consider are making money the most important factor in career decisions, making choices for benefits you can get ‘now’; sticking with what’s familiar instead of creating new paths for yourself or always pursuing others’ definition of success.

AMBER: Amber is being in a constant state of preparation; the time to get ready and stay ready for the big breaks or even setting new goals for yourself. Amber time is when you do what you need to improve where you don’t measure up, learn what you need to learn to increase your success and identify where you need to persist. Amber time is also when to ask yourself some hard questions like; is where I am headed really where I wish to go? Is my current job taking me in a positive career direction? Am I deploying my strongest skills in what I am doing now? What are the calculated risks I need to take to open up more opportunities for myself?

GREEN: Green is cruising time; when you are in roles that you enjoy and draw on your strongest skills. But just as the traffic lights don’t stay green forever, you never know when you are going to hit a bump or a red sign. So use the green period to increase your momentum, grow important professional relationships and be recognised for what you can do. Also remember that whether you can cruise or not when the lights go green depends on the condition of your ‘career car’ which include a strong skills set, a positive mind-set and attitude, a good reputation and lot of good will from others.
Now take action: Do a traffic lights assessment of the status of your career now.

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