Focus is seen as the mark of people going places. But increasingly employees are being valued more for their ability to work with and through others than as even excellent lone rangers. So if you’ve been too tuned into ‘What’s In It For Me’ (WIIFM) mentality, it might be time to lower the dial. Here are some suggestions;
DONT GET TOO CAREERIST: When you look at everything through a ‘career promotion’ lens you’re on slippery ground because today’s workplace prefers team players, so climb your career ladder on the back of valuable contributions to the organizations and teams you work with.
EMBRACE COLLECTIVISM: Collectivism is believing that there’s a purpose bigger than yourself, that when you work together with others you achieve more than you would alone. To be ‘collective’ minded you’ll have to tame your need to be noticed or to be validated all the time.
LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE: Whatever your goals, they cannot be achieved in isolation. Think back to any interview you have attended and you’ll remember the questions had more to do with what you could an bring to the organization rather than what the job or organization will do for your career. Know what your role is and how it fits with others’ so that your performance connect with those of others.
DROP THE TRANSACTIONAL MINDSET: If you work for a good employer, there are probably a lot of ‘goodies’ you can negotiate – interesting assignments, mentoring, flexi-working; and be grateful for such. Don’t make work interactions too transactional; have clear boundaries of give and take where necessary but making everything quid pro quo sounds more like a marketplace philosophy.
BE CONTRIBUTION DRIVEN: I love the quote ‘its amazing what we can achieve if we don’t care who gets the credit’ Of course you should get the credit if you’ve deserve it. The point however is that if making a difference is more important to you than looking to ‘shine’ you will reap benefits; you become better, you grow, you break new ground, you are a sought after team player!
RECOGNISE YOU NEED OTHERS: Imagine what would happen if everyone did something only if they could see a benefit for themselves? The workplace would probably feel like a kindergarten or a lions den- everyone out for him/herself. But thankfully the modern workplace demands collaboration. So if you value your future hone your joint working skills and give more than is expected of you.
ACCEPT THAT INDIVIDUALISM IS WANING: ‘Believing in yourself’ should be non-negotiable and so should ‘working with others’ and embracing interdependence. Tune in to these and your career will be the better for it. Demonstrate your individual excellence regularly but do so in the context of making your team glow rather than to shine the torchlight on yourself.
Now take action : What’s going to be your free gift to your workplace this week?
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