To be able to live your best self you need a good understanding of who you are, what makes you tick, how you can curb any negative excesses and how best to develop any elements that you may lack. Here are some ‘components’ of self that you must pay attention to in the process.
SELF AWARENESS : Know thyself. Being clear about who you are and what you want empowers you to consciously and actively take actions and decisions that support these goals. Without this you can get sidetracked and go on a ‘trial and error’ journey without any useful lessons. When you are self aware that self knowledge becomes a radar that guides you.
SELF MANAGEMENT: You have to know what you have in order to manage them well right?. Know your strengths and limitations, your talents and gaps as far as your goals are concerned. Proper self management entails taking care of yourself, so that you become dependable, professional and diligent in all that you do. Also develop your mind, your manners and ability to deal with stress.
SELF DISCIPLINE: This calls for self-restraint and might include simple things like not talking too much in meetings or regularly finishing assignments on time. Fact is; self discipline cannot come from the outside; you must teach yourself. Be accountable and accept responsibility for your own behavior. Have a good work ethic and show that you are worthy of being allowed to manage your own work.
SELF ESTEEM: No doubt a good dose of this is key to achieving success. We all feel down occasionally but what you cannot afford to do is to feel ‘worthless’. For example do you judge your worth by your job title? If you think that job is worth leaving your home to come to then be proud of it. Overall, be confident in who you are and what you can contribute no matter how small or ‘low level’ you think it is. You can stand on the ‘shoulders’ of even the little things done well to rise.
SELF EXPRESSION: Being a Dr Jekyll and Sister Hyde’ will not build your career. Self-expression is about being who you are, not what you think others want you to be. It’s also about saying what you mean when you need to in way that does not disrespect anyone! Of course if your ‘true self’ isn’t exactly personable, you must address this because an obnoxious attitude can bring you down quickly.
SELF APPROVAL: Are you in a perpetual state of comparison? Do you often secretly envy others?. Do you feel slighted if you are not involved in everything? This is a self defeating pattern. The really nice things others tell us they vague in us is heartwarming However, you need to like something about you first. Keep stretching yourself and remember that perfect people are only in the movies.
Now take action: How well do you know yourself? Sit down and take stock.
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