Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Set Your Expectations Right

Expectations!. We all have them but hardly assess them to check how realistic they are at any point in time. And when it comes to our expectations for when we get that top job, some are pretty unrealistic. I’ve heard people say when they get the ‘big job’ they will.......

PURSUE OWN AGENDA: Of course you will have greater freedom to do this but remember everybody has a ‘boss’. With a view from higher up you are privileged to bring a vision that inspires your team to support you as a person, your vision and the organisation. Don’t set unrealistic targets and ensure that any groundbreaking agendas fit with the organisation’s overall strategic vision.

CALL THE SHOTS: Indeed you can and probably will some of the time. But true leadership is collaborative and influences rather than demands. Think about what you are trying to achieve and the style of leadership that will take you there Give people a chance to work with you to create a culture that promotes shared leadership rather than a ‘one man show’ .

REACH THEIR POTENTIAL: True, the higher you go the more you are stretched and draw on your potential; but this isn’t always the case depending on the nature of the organisation, the culture and the distribution of functions. Whatever level you are at there’s more you can do to grow. Aim to reach the top of their game now rather than wait for when MD.

BE ABLE TO LEAD BETTER: Every level of an organisation depends on someone’s leadership. Lead wherever you are and build your leadership muscles for the higher responsibility you’ll have as you advance. The earlier you start practising the more confident you’ll be, the better able you’ll become to perform well, earn respect of your ‘followers’ and have experience to tap into.

BE TAKEN MORE SERIOUSLY: Leadership based on position or title alone says little about your value as a person, your integrity or how people honour you or look up to you. So don’t bank on your title and work for respect. Can you be trusted, are you dependable, are you more interested in growing g people than seeking the spotlight? That when people care and share with you.

‘SHOW UP’ WHEN THEY WISH: That might be a choice you have but is it one you wish to exercise? To really make a difference people must feel like they can depend on because you understand your accountabilities to them. Be consistent in what people look to you for and be alert to opportunities to demonstrate your reliability and

BE FREE TO GRANDSTAND: Accomplishment deserves praise and very often it’ll come from many sources; from people who’ve watched you pay your dues, persist when the going was tough, defend what you knew would bless other people. Don’t spoil all that spontaneous acknowledgement by blowing your own trumpet or showcasing your success in a distasteful manner.

Now take action: How realistic are your expectations?

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